
I get a crooked mouth (like in the last panel) when I am perturbed yet amused. It’s an interesting combination. :)

You may have noticed that my left hand’s middle finger is crooked in the 2nd panel – that’s how it is! The last joint on both my hands’ middle fingers have pointed toward my ring finger for as long as I can remember. I was showing them to my mom a little while ago, and she said that it is from how I hold writing instruments…. and I said “Especially since it’s on my left hand too…” (it was funny  :D)


Yep, that’s my room!

Here’s a sample of my left hand writing – please pretend not to notice that it’s on my Plane Geometry homework….  :P  what can I say? ;)    Hmm, it sort of looks like my 4-year-old brother’s handwriting…



I am posting this old comic (from February) because the comic I drew today is very similar to it in one way…. comment if you catch it!

I had emailed it to a friend and she said that she ‘loved how sweet and innocent Megan looks in the first panel and how evil she looks in the last one’. But really, the expressions are relatively similar ….. it’s only because of the context that you know she is wicked (Megan, reading over my shoulder, says “Ehh?!”)